Forever Chemicals Legislation PFAS Roadmap from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

In 2018 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a strategic roadmap to restrict PFAS releases to the environment, clean up contaminated sites and undertake investments in research as the production of PFAS has spurred numerous lawsuits and regulatory cases.

Regulator’s report on “forever chemicals” published | HSE Media Centre

This has resulted in many manufacturers phasing out production of these chemistries from 2025, or sooner, and a global shortage of them.

Most, if not all, Fluorinated Solvents, used for component cleaning, may fall into the category of PFAS. These include the Novec, Vertrel and Opteon ranges and their derivatives, among others.
This means that options for solvent and vapour degreasing and cleaning are becoming much more limited.

Contact Layton Technologies who, as an independent manufacturer of cleaning systems, are ideally placed to assist you through this challenging time.

Email – or call +44 1782 370400 to discuss your options.